Friday 28 June 2013

To a man of faith death is..

To a man of faith death is a bridge,
A small bridge connecting mortality to immortality,
To a man of faith death is a gate,
A small gate ushering men into their eternal home,
To a man of faith death is a hidden seed,
A hidden seed among rocks waiting for the Sower's voice,
To a man of faith death is a pool,
A small pool where sweat and tears of life are wiped,
To a man of faith death is victory,
A big victory after a purposeful living in ones days,
To a man of faith death opens a new page,
A blank page whose footnote and header are God's Spirit,
To a man of faith death is just but a dot,
A small dot within the long story of God's eternal living,
To a man of faith death is a key,
A key connecting one with a long desired life of joy,
To a man of faith death is a welcome visitor,
A welcome visitor after a fully assured life across it,
To a man of faith death is departure from a room,
Departure from a changing room in hope to appear on His stage,
To a man of faith death is like sleeping on the coach,
Sleeping on the coach to later wake up in the arms of Christ,
Indeed to a man of faith physical death is nothing to grieve,
Nothing to grieve but victorious rest.

A poem on reflections of what I believe physical death is to a Christian.
Newton GK on 28/06/2013

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