Wednesday 2 October 2013

Heart Bursts!

Hearts bursts!

Seated right beside her queenly blossom
I joyfully smiled back to the beautiful rose
Deep joy vibrating within my glowing heart
Opening my entirety in humble preparedness
To ask her out to be my life's portion to dote on

Like a wise father’s son I had revised so well
My notes when it comes to starting a journey
Hoped to guide two into a lasting life affair
With a girl I have always longed to meet across
Life’s valleys n’ hills her I sought to love n’ cherish

She laid her heart bare before her beloved
To read the amazing lyrics of a love song she
Had been composing to the man who would
Become her delight in all the days of her living
How treasured I felt listening n’ watching her  

Like a clever mother’s daughter she too knew
Her role so well and in patience and faithfulness
She had been waiting with hope for this journey
The glamorous feeling within her was clearly visible
As her elegant smile stole my heart and breath

We felt so overwhelmed and peaceful seated right
Inside each other’s hearts and as we exchanged the
Punctilious glances to each other our hearts were
Gladly nodding with great love and calmly I made my
Deep and sincere desires clear to her in soft words

The words from the bottom of my heart n’ soul felt like
A river of love being poured out into a golden jar of
My lovers heart and as I patiently looked straight into
Her lips I saw her words of acceptance drop like honey
Into my heart as both hearts burst into delighted dancing 

©Newton Gatambia Kibiringi 2013.

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